Meet woman and man with the world’s largest vagina, penis

Did you ever believe there are people in this
world who are record breaker at having the
biggest penis and largest vagina in the
Well, they actually exist.
World’s Largest Penis (13.5 inches – 34.2

Jonah Falcon
Jonah Falcon, an American actor and writer,
has been reported as having the world’s
largest penis. He is said to be 9.5 inches
(24.13 cm) in length when flaccid and 13.5
inches (34.29 cm) when erect. *eyes rolling*
The 45-year-old who has written about 13
books gained media attention after
appearing in a 1999 HBO documentary, a
Rolling Stone Magazine article, a
documentary by UK Channel 4 called “The
World’s Biggest Penis,” and The Daily Show.

When Falcn was offered a fantastic career in
the pornography industry, he refused the
offer, saying it would “just be the easy way
out… it’s not going to help my legit acting
In 2012, he was stopped and frisked by the
TSA at the SF Airport due to the large bulge
in his pants. After passing through a metal
detector and a body scanner, the world’s
largest dick was selected for additional
screening, then finally released. You can
read more about Jonah Falcon here.
World’s Largest Vagina (19 inches – 48.26
This is said to likely belong to a Scottish
giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888). She is
reported to be a remarkable woman who
set a number of records relating to her bulk.
Born normally sized, she began growing at
surprising rate in childhood, finally reaching
a maximum height of 7′ 8″ at age 19.

Anna Swan Haining Bates
With this, she joined a side-show and went
around the country, where she met and fell
in love with Captain Martin Bates, another
giant who measured over 7 feet tall. They
got married in 1872, making them the tallest
married couple in the world, a record that
still stands today.
The couple settled down into married life,
built a mansion filled with enormous
furniture, including an 11′ by 7′ bed where
they consummated their union. On June 18,
1879, she gave birth to the largest baby in
history, weighing 26 lbs. and 34 inches in
length. The baby was said to be so large that
it became tightly wedged in her capacious
tract, only extricated by the use of forceps
and belts.
The child did not survive the rigors of birth,
but a cast was made, still on display at the
Cleveland Museum of Health. Generally the
largest part of an infant is the head. The
tyke’s cranium measured about 19 inches
(48.26 cm) in circumference, hence, the
minimum dilation of Swan’s passage would
have been 6 inches, or just over 15 cm.
That’s pretty wide—the normal dilation for
childbirth is 10 cm.
You can read more about her Here.


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