10 Basic Computer Softwares a Computer User should Have

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Anti-virus programs are designed to, detect and destroy computer viruses.
Examples of anti-virus programs are; McAfee anti-virus (usually pre-installed). However, I would recommend, Avast, AVG, Avira or Norton AV. You usually get a trial version for 30 days. After that period, you could either, buy the Premium version or, get a cracked version.
Feel free to suggest some other anti-virus programs that you use (in the comment section).

 Computer-Aided Graphics Design Software:
You don’t have to be a seasoned Graphics designer to have these design tools on your device. Within 2 days of using a graphics design software, I designed a logo/header image for my blog: NOSR Blog, with no prior training.
Some example of graphics design tools are; Microsoft paint, So Think Logo Maker Pro, Corel Draw, Autodesk inventor, Auto-CAD, Adobe Illustrator. Microsoft paint is a bitmap based software, but it is easy to use. Though an underrated piece of software, MS paint can be used to create some unbelievable work.

 Ebook Reader:
Electronic book readers (ebooks readers), are software that make it possible to read digital books. A good ebook reader should be able to open multiple formats like; pdf, ePub, Mobi, XPS, DjVu, CHM, Comic Book (CBZ and CBR), etc.
Examples of ebook readers are; Foxit Reader, Adobe Reader, Sumatra PDF reader, and Calibre.

 Note-Taking Software (Keynote):
Whenever the light-bulb goes off in your head, you may want to quickly take down your thoughts else, your short-term memory brain-cells will betray you.
Examples of note-taking tools are; Evernote, Resophnotes, Elements, Simplenote (iOS) and KeyNote.

 File Converter:
Some applications may only require/recognize certain File formats. Therefore, you will need a file converter to convert any of these file formats whichever way you want.
Known file formats are; png, jpg, jpeg, tiff, gif, bmp, emf, doc, docx, xls, rtf and ppt.
Some file converters can batch-convert a file format into multiple other formats (simultaneously). Online file converters are more popular.

 File Compressor/Decompressor:
Some large files will need to be compressed, in order to send or upload them. In the same vein, the receiver or downloader of the compressed file will have to decompress the archived file.
These are very good file compressers/decompressers; 7-Zip, WinZip, Peazip, and, Zipeg.

Spreadsheets are very important to teachers, bankers, sales people and businesses in general. Examples of spreadsheet programs are; Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets (hosted online), Open Office, and Apple Numbers.

 Audio Editor (Audacity):
Audacity is the world’s most popular free open source digital audio editor. It is the easiest audio editor to use. Audio editors are used for; recording audio on computers (via a headset or professional microphone), editing audio clips, and adding effects to audio clips etc.

YouTube to MP3 Converter:
These software convert video or other audio formats, to mp3. Its a great way to create podcasts or have your favorite music in mp3 format. Good converters are; ChangeToMp3, Total Video Converter Lite (for Mac users), VLC (bet you didn’t know that).

Cloud Storage:
Cloud storage is a type of storage of data wherein, data is stored in and accessible from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise a cloud.
Cloud storage is important for data back-up, archiving and disaster recovery. You can save the entire content of your computer in the “clouds”, then access them from any location in the world (without carrying around your storage devices)! The best cloud storage providers are; Microsoft Cloud, JustCloud, BackBlaze, CrashPlan, Carbonite, iDrive, DropBox, OneDrive, etc.


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